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Is your boss a Queen Bee?

Is your boss a Queen Bee?

Devil wears Prada Female bosses are accused of being extremely tough on their sub-ordinates. The theory says that women are not natural leaders, and fear their effectiveness. The...



Over the last three years the Ministry of Labour has not displayed strategy, stamina or sequencing and unimaginatively equated labour reform with tackling Chapter VB of the Industrial...

Jobs, facts and fiction

Jobs, facts and fiction

India’s labour markets are confusing, and I’d like to make the case that, one, India has more formal jobs than we think; two, our primary policy challenge is...

Three ten-year plans

Three ten-year plans

This new ambition does not imply that India’s shameful poverty is behind us; only that the “bhooka-nanga-pyaasa” condition of 1947 is no longer as acute, chronic or malignant...

Tips to help you decode the salary offer being made to you

Tips to help you decode the salary offer being made to you

While you should never accept a job offer solely based on salary, decoding the salary offer being made to you is critical for making an informed decision and...

GST- A boon for the youth

GST- A boon for the youth

While it is premature to estimate sectoral additions in number of jobs, however, it is safe to assume that GST will create millions of jobs in the years...