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Imagine a world without vocational teachers?

Imagine a world without vocational teachers?

Improved training quality. This will require the curriculum to include vocational and technical entrepreneurship skills, with emphasis on acquisition of practical knowledge and skills rather than theory and...

The war on cash

The war on cash

Unfortunately, the Rs. 1 lakh cap on cash acceptance for jewellery was rolled back, but thankfully, the Supreme Court-constituted special investigation team on black money has recommended caps...

ESIC raises wage threshold to Rs.21,000, aims to add 50 lakh workers

ESIC raises wage threshold to Rs.21,000, aims to add 50 lakh workers

“It’s a pro-worker move and in a way historic. After hiking the minimum wage late last month, the Union government has again taken a pro-employee stand that will...

Part of your salary comes in cash? Employers likely to change pay structure

Part of your salary comes in cash? Employers likely to change pay structure

Moorthy K Uppaluri, managing director, Randstad India, a headhunting firm, said: “This reform will benefit everyone as more employees can avail benefits provided in the formal job sector...

Reskill to keep your job in the future workforce

Reskill to keep your job in the future workforce

The top roles that require reinvention: 1. Manual Testing: Technology: A tester works with results to provide inputs to product development teams on vulnerabilities and also interacts closely...

The challenge in diversity hiring

The challenge in diversity hiring

This authored article is a byline of Kunal Sen, SVP, TeamLease, and Prity Agrawal, Business Head-Services, TeamLease.We feel concerned when companies reach out to us to help them...

ESOP millionaires among startups are an exception

ESOP millionaires among startups are an exception

Exit options: One should be clear about how ESOPs can be monetised. Unlike the share of a listed company which can be traded, encashing an ESOP happens only...

Finding the right match

Finding the right match

Hiring right Hiring is an expensive proposition, and hiring wrong even more expensive. “It’s difficult in a 30-minute interview to make a full assessment of someone,” says K....

Govt in move to ease labour pains

Govt in move to ease labour pains

Rituparna Chakraborty, co-founder and senior vice-president, TeamLease, said, “A unified code signals accountability, uniformity, simplicity and ease of compliance and supervision. It is a forward-looking, progressive move, far...

Is Recruitment Process Outsourcing about a mere onsite deputation?

Is Recruitment Process Outsourcing about a mere onsite deputation?

Essentially RPO is about bringing in predictability into the recruitment processes through dis-aggregating tasks and handing them over to specialist/s. Recruitment Services have been perceived as a human...

Maternity benefits to retain mid-level executives

Maternity benefits to retain mid-level executives

"The costs of providing the benefits will be offset in a healthy way in the form of retention and stability," informs Dr Moorthy Uppaluri, MD and CEO of...

E-comm cos like Flipkart, Amazon offer generous incentives to temporary delivery boys

E-comm cos like Flipkart, Amazon offer generous incentives to temporary delivery boys

According to Babajob, a Bengaluru-based job search portal for blue and grey-collared workforce, there has been an increase of close to 10% in the salaries of delivery personnel...

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