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Reveal, recognise, resolve

Reveal, recognise, resolve

The wilful defaulter definition needs review; it’s a flawed application of the legal concept of mens rea (meaning intention or state-of-mind and implies differentiating between murder and death...

A Curious Case of the End Justifies the Means

A Curious Case of the End Justifies the Means

Social Media Policy : Invite employees to cocreate a social media policy which meets the organisational goals yet doesn’t deny employees a platform of expression. Through extensive brainstorming...

Making skills self-healing

Making skills self-healing

Investment competition between states is increasing even as opportunities for offering investment tax incentives are diminishing. States are left with three levers for differentiation — ease of doing...

Cities: Our policy orphans

Cities: Our policy orphans

Cities are complicated organizations all over the world but Indian cities suffer the friendly fire of being policy orphans for three reasons. Firstly, State Chief Ministers are unwilling...

Revamping India’s 3E’s

Revamping India’s 3E’s

The Apprenticeship Act amendments mean that apprenticeship growth rates are more than 150% annually after decades of stagnation. Our target should be crossing Germany’s 2.7% of its labour...

Is your boss a Queen Bee?

Is your boss a Queen Bee?

Devil wears Prada Female bosses are accused of being extremely tough on their sub-ordinates. The theory says that women are not natural leaders, and fear their effectiveness. The...