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Do you earn between Rs 5-10 lakh? These factors decide your take-home salary

Do you earn between Rs 5-10 lakh? These factors decide your take-home salary

Fixed Salary Components Basic Salary: This is fully taxable. The employees can opt for a lower basic salary to CTC ratio (Existing Basic Salary cannot be reduced however)...

Nothing will work unless you do

Nothing will work unless you do

Rasookh, or otherwise influence is key to our success at work place. And that influence counts when we have the ability to influence those who are not directly...

India’s prosperity depends on reducing its 50% self-employment

India’s prosperity depends on reducing its 50% self-employment

India has 63 million enterprises but doesn’t need that many — the US economy is eight times our size but only has 22 million enterprises. More importantly, 12...

Technology has a place but it has to be kept in its place!

Technology has a place but it has to be kept in its place!

Focus on technology is a dire need of the hour, but not knowing how to use it will simply replace black boards with smart boards, registers with Excel...

Data on jobs: Be careful what you wish for

Data on jobs: Be careful what you wish for

The original sin in labour market data and strategy comes from the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (Arjun Sengupta report) that not only created confusion...

Forget all doomsday forecasts, India’s IT employment will double in five years

Forget all doomsday forecasts, India’s IT employment will double in five years

Indian IT companies have gracefully transitioned three S-curves—mainframe, client server and internet—but their ability to reinvent themselves over the next 10 years depends on a massive re-imagining of...