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Safety at work: Be alert. Trust your instincts

Safety at work: Be alert. Trust your instincts

While there are complex cultural, sociological and even economic factors at play behind these statistics, women's safety itself is a primary area of concern across the country; what...

US, me, myself

US, me, myself

India’s problem is not jobs but wages, and living wages won’t come from regulatory fatwas but formalisation (our 60 million informal enterprises don’t have the productivity to pay...

Wage a war against informality

Wage a war against informality

Does not recognise diversity: There is no such thing as India’s labour market and our states have very different levels of infrastructure, productivity, clustering, skills, urbanisation and costs...

Budget 2017: 3 interventions each for improving education and skills, and increasing formal employment.

Budget 2017: 3 interventions each for improving education and skills, and increasing formal employment.

Non-fiscal interventions for formal employment Allow low-wage employees (people with less than Rs 20,000 per month salary) to choose mandatory salary confiscation: Today, low-wage employees only receive 55%...

A new story of us

A new story of us

GST and demonetisation have real economic risks like skill hysteresis, demand deferring, and informal employment cratering. But thankfully, demonetisation’s biggest human risks are unrealised; there’s been no change...

Investing in Human Capital

Investing in Human Capital

2. Creating future workforce: building human capital is a long term investment. Like any investment, there are initial costs. For on-the-job training, these costs include the time devoted...