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E-comm cos like Flipkart, Amazon offer generous incentives to temporary delivery boys

E-comm cos like Flipkart, Amazon offer generous incentives to temporary delivery boys

According to Babajob, a Bengaluru-based job search portal for blue and grey-collared workforce, there has been an increase of close to 10% in the salaries of delivery personnel...

Day of the specialist

Day of the specialist

Civil servants are often better-educated and more articulate than ministers; so they are able to talk about any area. But familiarity is different from mastery. The most interesting...

Replacement hiring to overtake growth hiring in pharma industry in India

Replacement hiring to overtake growth hiring in pharma industry in India

“We work with leading pharma companies in the country and hire candidates for the industry in the top 8 metro cities. While Mumbai leads in job growth, Bengaluru...

Smaller cities edge out metros in employment opportunities

Smaller cities edge out metros in employment opportunities

Top sectors doling out jobs at these locations include information technology and BPOs, auto and auto ancillary, insurance, hospitality and healthcare. Companies looking for recruitment beyond metros are...

Ecommerce companies like Flipkart, Snapdeal and others shopping big time for temporary staff

Ecommerce companies like Flipkart, Snapdeal and others shopping big time for temporary staff

"A lot of the consumer durable companies want freshers for which we have tie-ups with colleges," said Vishnu Dev, director-manpower at ManpowerGroup. At Panasonic India, Ajay Seth, head...

Stop Kissing All Those Frogs

Stop Kissing All Those Frogs

China’s labour force is declining while India’s increases by 10 lakh workers every month. China’s farmto-non-farm transition happened to factories for exports. India’s fastest growing job roles are...