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Finding the right match

Finding the right match

Hiring right Hiring is an expensive proposition, and hiring wrong even more expensive. “It’s difficult in a 30-minute interview to make a full assessment of someone,” says K....

Govt in move to ease labour pains

Govt in move to ease labour pains

Rituparna Chakraborty, co-founder and senior vice-president, TeamLease, said, “A unified code signals accountability, uniformity, simplicity and ease of compliance and supervision. It is a forward-looking, progressive move, far...

Is Recruitment Process Outsourcing about a mere onsite deputation?

Is Recruitment Process Outsourcing about a mere onsite deputation?

Essentially RPO is about bringing in predictability into the recruitment processes through dis-aggregating tasks and handing them over to specialist/s. Recruitment Services have been perceived as a human...

Maternity benefits to retain mid-level executives

Maternity benefits to retain mid-level executives

"The costs of providing the benefits will be offset in a healthy way in the form of retention and stability," informs Dr Moorthy Uppaluri, MD and CEO of...

E-comm cos like Flipkart, Amazon offer generous incentives to temporary delivery boys

E-comm cos like Flipkart, Amazon offer generous incentives to temporary delivery boys

According to Babajob, a Bengaluru-based job search portal for blue and grey-collared workforce, there has been an increase of close to 10% in the salaries of delivery personnel...

Day of the specialist

Day of the specialist

Civil servants are often better-educated and more articulate than ministers; so they are able to talk about any area. But familiarity is different from mastery. The most interesting...