
Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and people management

India is still inadequately Formalised, Financialised, Urbanised, Industrialised and Skilled. While the regulatory challenges do pose questions on smoother business functioning and consequent job creation, there are several underlying factors which indicate that there is a lot of work to be done in employment, employability and ease of doing business.

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This meticulously crafted report, underpinned by both primary and secondary research, synthesizes insights from a wide-ranging survey of 1,417 employers across 23 industries and examines the anticipated directional and quantifiable changes in employment for April-September 2024-25.

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The report uncovers trends, identifies data gaps, and makes actionable recommendations through a meta-analysis of India's female labour...

Employers’ intent to hire for Q4 is at 50%, an increase of 9% from last quarter

Employers’ intent to hire for Q3 is at 41%, an increase of 3% from last quarter. IT, Education Services, Healthcare...

Employers’ intent to hire for Q2 is at 38%, an increase of 4% from first quarter.Healthcare & Pharma, IT, and...

The economic growth during Q1 (April-May, 2021-22) at 22.1% has subdued the economic after-effects of the second wave